Here’s another super quick and easy meal to add to your repertoire; a 15 minute broad bean, pea and lemon pasta. It’s nice and light and there’s not a whole lot of sauce so you can go a little crazy with parmesan cheese. Or is that just me? ?
I’ve been away for 10 days. You noticed right?
Of course you did ?
Whilst I was away Shanghai was voted the 7th Smoggiest Megacity on Earth.
So glad they specified Earth ?
The good news is that there are 6 other cities ahead of us – yay for Shanghai!
The better news is that this is the view I came back to.
Smog. Schmog.
Remember last year I told you May was the best time to book your ticket to Shanghai? Where are you? I wasn’t kidding – it’s glorious outside.
Winter may be coming on TV, but summer is hustling it’s way towards Shanghai.
I also came back to broad beans. Broad beans & fresh peas are on the streets.
Yes, literally on the streets.
Don’t you just love the care and attention someone took to paint that yellow line on the curb ?
I digress.
I love broad beans – do you? I think they’re a little bit like brussels sprouts or Marmite though in that they get a bad press.
Young, early season broad beans really only need a quick dunking in boiling water for the skins to slip off. Please take the skins off or you’ll find yourself eliminated from Masterchef.
Just saying.
Here’s a simple way to appreciate broad beans. Freshly popped from their skins and bathed in warm olive oil, chilli, garlic and lemon juice with fellow vegetable patch pals peas & spinach or rocket. Hmmmm…..if you don’t like your greens this recipe isn’t for you.
It’s hardly reinventing the wheel but I’m making a concerted effort to keep things simple and eat seasonally and this ticks both boxes.
It’s also super quick and easy – more assembling really. The key is good ingredients and being organised.
If you can’t get hold of fresh beans or peas use frozen – dinner might only take you 10 minutes instead of the 15 it took me.
What you’re aiming for is that by the time the kettle has boiled and you’ve cooked the pasta, the olive oil ‘sauce’ will be ready and it’ll take you a couple of minutes to stir everything together.
Other options for you:
- The chilli, garlic and lemon zest sauted in lots of olive oil with salt and pepper is perfect with pasta as is. Simple & delicious. Don’t forget the parmesan.
- Throw a handful of diced bacon or pancetta into the frying pan if you have some in the fridge and it’s not Meatless Monday in your house
- Stir torn proscuitto slices through the finished pasta just before serving if it is Meatless Monday and the resident carnivore has to be appeased {cough cough – true story}
- Stir rocket leaves through the pasta just before serving for an extra peppery hit
Easy peasy ?

15 minute broad bean, pea and lemon pasta
A super quick & easy 15 minute meal. Use the best olive oil you have and don’t stint on the lemon juice or the parmesan ?
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 10 minutes
Total Time 20 minutes
Step 1
pasta per person -
/ 1/2 cup of reserved cooking liquid from the pasta
Step 2
extra virgin olive oil -
garlic cloves
thinly sliced -
red chilli
seeds removed and finely chopped {Note1} - zest from 1 lemon
lemon juice - freshly ground pepper
Step 3
broad beans
podded {Note 2} -
fresh or frozen -
fresh spinach or rocket/arugula -
grated parmesan
Boil the kettle and cook the pasta in salty water according to packet instructions. If using frozen peas, add to to pasta for the final 3 minutes.
Pour boiling water water over the broad beans if they need to be podded for a couple of minutes. Drain and cool in cold water before podding.
In the meantime, heat oil in a large frying pan over a low heat. Add the garlic and cook gently until softened for 3-4 minutes. Add chopped chilli and cook for another minute and then add lemon zest. Stir and cook gently for another minute or so before adding lemon juice, spinach and plenty of ground pepper. Cook for another minute until spinach wilts down.
Drain pasta and peas keeping aside 1/2 cup {125ml} of cooking liquid for sauce.
Add pasta, peas and cooking liquid to spinach mixture in the saucepan and toss to combine.
Divide between 2 plates, top with plenty of grated parmesan and another drizzle of olive oil.
Recipe Notes
{Note 1} I normally add a few seeds for a bit of heat, but not all the seeds.
{Note 2} it’s up to you how many broad beans you like – I podded about 300g of beans and then popped them out of their skins and ended up with 150g of beans. You’ll probably buy yours frozen or already podded – just pop them out of the grey skin!
Here’s a couple more delicious fast food options for you:
How do you like your broad beans? If at all? And do you get ‘smog’ where you live?