Can Endo Be a Cause of Infertility?

Endometrial hyperplasia, or otherwise called endometrial hyperplasia (ETH), occurs when tissue in the lining of the uterus, called endometrial tissue, is outside of its normal place where it should not be. Tissue can attach to other parts of your body, including the spleen, lungs, intestines, bladder, rectum, and even the colon. Many women experience this condition during pregnancy and can lead to pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) in both the fetus and the woman.


What causes endo? Women can develop endo at any age. Some of them are genetically predisposed, while others develop endo due to different conditions. Most often, this disease occurs in women who have gone through the stage of menopause, but it is also possible to get it later in life. Although doctors don't know exactly what causes endo, many factors such as pregnancy, age, family history, and hormonal changes may play a role.


What conditions can lead to endo? One of these conditions is ovarian cysts. Ovarian cysts can develop into endometrial tissue, which can lead to pelvic inflammatory disease. Other conditions that can lead to endo include chronic inflammation of the lower reproductive tract, tubal obstruction, tumors, uterine infections, and multiple myeloma.


How does endo affect pregnancy? The condition, although rare, can cause pain during or after pregnancy. In extreme cases, doctors may even induce labor to prevent additional damage to the reproductive system or even the fetus. If you are experiencing severe endo-embolism, you should see your doctor immediately.


Can endo affect infertility? Endo can be a sign of pelvic inflammatory disease as well. If you're having problems getting pregnant, speak with your doctor about this condition. Your doctor may even recommend surgery in cases where endo has become too severe to deal with.


What are some symptoms? Symptoms of endo include pelvic pain, cramping, bleeding, heavy bleeding, and abnormal bleeding during your menstrual cycle. When the blood flow increases, you may also notice a white, gray, or greenish discharge.


Although most women experience no symptoms, in some rare cases, you may experience bleeding between your menstrual period


Is there a natural remedy for endo? Fortunately, there are natural remedies for endo available. One of them is a topical cream that is applied directly to the affected area. Another option is an over the counter medication that can help relieve pain and ease pain, as well as help prevent future development of the condition. Most women experience relief within weeks of beginning treatment, with no treatment necessary.


Are there any risks involved with endo? There's no clear link between endo and cancer, but it is known to be hereditary. If you've been diagnosed with endometrial tissue hyperplasia or other conditions that may cause pelvic inflammation, your doctor may prescribe antibiotics to treat the cause and not the symptoms.


Can endo be used as a natural treatment for infertility? It's unlikely, but many women have experienced pregnancy with endo as a natural treatment for infertility.


Does endo cause complications with ovarian cysts? Endo can make cysts worse or cause them to shrink, so it's important to discuss the possible side effects with your doctor.


Is endo a cause of infertility? As a general rule, endo is not a cause of infertility.


If you're having trouble getting pregnant, see your doctor and find out what options are available to you. He or she may be able to help you get pregnant even with endo, which is a condition that causes pelvic inflammation, pelvic pain, or heavy bleeding during your monthly periods.

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